Wednesday, 3 September 2008

What i'm thinking... now

I was thinking we'll probably get more readership if we include nudity. We've already shown a naked hand. So in today's showcase... the elbow.

Pardon me while i get technical, but the elbow is the bit that connects the upper arm bit to the bit below that, you know, with the hand on it. It moves and hinges about, but can't make it to your mouth.
And just look at it here in it's nakedness. Marvellous isn't it. Teasing you with a side profile shot.
For reference, when elbows occur on legs, they're known as knees.


Anonymous said...

Thank you again for this highly informative article.

This is a scientific blog, isn't it?

interesting to no one said...

It is, yes, but i also try hard not to alienate the casual reader.

Anonymous said...

you forgat to sat that when elbows occour on the hands they are known as knuckles. Amateur.

interesting to no one said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
interesting to no one said...

Thank you for your contribution. We will look into your claim.

Anonymous said...

What do they mean by "foragt to sat"?

Anyway, knock knock.........

Kate Fish said...

To be honest, I think this blog is going downhill. These puerile, gratuitous nutidy shots are starting to grate. At first it was funny but now it just seems childish.
Originally this blog was intended to be entirely uninteresting. It served its purpose well. With the addition of photos of sexy arms and hands and the provision of anatomical information you are in real danger of creating an interesting blog.

As your most loyal reader and your only subscribed reader I think my opinion should carry more weight than the above posters who flit from blog to blog like a flighty butterfly, without caring a jot about the integrity or fit-for-purposeness of the blog they are reading.

interesting to no one said...

Ah no, Kate Fish, I'm so sorry we've upset you... We here at interestingtonobody really did think that a post about sexy elbows would be interesting to nobody, and i apologise deeply if it interested you.

Sexy nude body parts will take a hiatus for now whilst we reassess our goals strategies and vision.

Thank you for taking time to contact us.