Monday, 1 September 2008

Vegetable of the Month

September's prestigious Vegetable of the Month Award goes to....


Yes, that VitaminA-packed, orange-fleshed miracle that often graces our plates has beaten all other vegetables to become interestingtonobody's very first Vegetable of the Month. Try it raw dipped in taramasalata or cooked, in your squirrel stew. Try grating it into a carrot cake (not advisable with the carrot's feisty cousin, the parsnip) or make yourself some juice or jam. These reasons and literally a few more are why the carrot reigns supreme. For now.

Please begin your campaign for your favourite vegetable so you can see it as October's... Vegetable of the Month.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful. A well-deserved winner!

My nomination for September's vegetable of the month is the humble brocolli.

British, many-varied, versatile, easy to grow, this undervalued vegetable goes with, literally, every meal - fish, chicken, steak and kidney pie, paella, veal, slow roast pork, stuffed mushrooms, curry, gammon, soup, sausages, vegetable taramasalata, hob nobs, chow mein, pizza, stargazey pie, beef-burgers. To name but a few!

If you can name me a single meal that isn't improved by a side order of brocolli I will eat my hat....

... with a side of brocolli of course!!!


Anonymous said...

Damn it! I thought I left an entry on this earlier. It was really funny and a bit snobish. Anyway it's the potato because of creamy mash and not because of council chips. Something like that anyway. Oh, and becausa potato once made me cry. For a good reason.

Anonymous said...

If you want to be really snobbish you have to call them crushed potatoes, not mashed potatoes.

But I'm not posh. So chips are the best.