One wonders if the major talent, brains and driving-force behind the blog is perhaps away? And the blog has perhaps been left in the uncapable hands of an undertalented underling?
Wow. The above post is really offensive to whoever is managing the blog today. I think they've done a great job, trying to run the thing single-handedly. I do hope they don't get upset and fall out with their blog colleague. That would be terrible.
He said he fell down the stairs or something but I think someone has been repeatedly punching him in the face. At first it looked like chocolate sauce then I noticed it was actually dried blood that was all over his face. I’m smart you see…
And Hi to you
May I say how refreshing it is to receive the personal touch from a blog. It really shows you've not forgotted about your readership.
More like this please!
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! it's raining here, is it raining there?
It's not raining here, although it has been. Thanks for your interest
Hey, can you smell onions?
i can, but i think that's because there's some roasting in my oven, so i'm not too worried about it...
It's not raining here but it was.
Interestingtonobody is very quiet today, no?
One wonders if the major talent, brains and driving-force behind the blog is perhaps away? And the blog has perhaps been left in the uncapable hands of an undertalented underling?
Wow. The above post is really offensive to whoever is managing the blog today. I think they've done a great job, trying to run the thing single-handedly. I do hope they don't get upset and fall out with their blog colleague. That would be terrible.
More respect please.
I've got an idea! Let's play "what happened to Mike the horrible porter's face"
Has anyone seen him today? Ouch!
Oh my god i saw that too... i wonder...
And yes the blog is quiet, we're only at 2/3 members :(
it's pretty awful.
i'm missing my hint of the day
Me too. No I didn't see Mike the horrible porter's face. i tend not to look directly at him. what is wrong with his face?
He said he fell down the stairs or something but I think someone has been repeatedly punching him in the face. At first it looked like chocolate sauce then I noticed it was actually dried blood that was all over his face. I’m smart you see…
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