Tuesday, 9 September 2008

*Handy Hint of the Day*

If you're supposed to be posting a "*Handy Hint of the Day*" but can't actually think of any "*Handy Hints*" to post, why not write a post about how you cannot think of any "*Handy Hints*" and disguise it as a "*Handy Hint of the Day*"?


Anonymous said...

Useful tip. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Handy Hint:

If you find yourself at work but with absolutely no intention of doing any why not watch YouTube on a minimised screen specially tailored around the YouTube screen. That way you can watch it against the background of a database you’re supposed to be working on. Now you can simply click to the side to make it disappear from view whenever you need to. This makes it easier than fumbling for the tiny “close window” X every time you boss walk behind your desk.

But beware! The words “FUNNY NAKED” may still appear on your toolbar (depending on how many applications you have open at that particular time) pretty much destroying all your hard effort to convince your boss you are working and getting you a nasty telling off. It could even be brought up in future appraisals!