Friday, 22 August 2008


Hi and welcome to the newest and most pointless blog on the world wide interweb. Today we wonder, has Jason Statham been in any good films? Can i pretend to watch Transporter for any other reason than looking at him? How many caesarean sections can a woman have? Can there be a "jiltee"? What was Max Payne about again?

All of these things are really interesting to nobody.

Also, the photocopier has one-touch settings which was good for a few minutes.


Anonymous said...

Apparently lots of chinese ladies had premature caesareans on the 08/08/08 cause they think 8 is a lucky number.

Anonymous said...

Really? There really supersticious in China aren't they. But 8 would need to be very lucky cause its got to be bad having a premature cesarian.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I know. Also, there's gonna be a bit of a baby boom (cause this super-lucky date only comes round every 100 years so everyone was tring to get pregnant 9 months ago) so it'll be hard to get school places, jobs etc. So not so lucky after all.

Anonymous said...

You're a pair of wanking shit-bags.

Anonymous said...

If you're only going to be nasty please go somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

I'm not nasty. But when someone is obviously a turd-brain I feel it is my duty to tell them. Fart-face.

Anonymous said...

Right that's it, I'm going to report you to a moderator.

Anonymous said...

There aren't any moderators on blogspot you cock-monger.

Anonymous said...

Right. That's the last time I ever visit this blog. It's not even very good anyway.

Anonymous said...

Oh no. boo hoo. please don't leave i'm so upset.


You craptastic minge-face