Thursday, 28 August 2008

Bee Beads!

Did you know, if you gather up some dead bees and thread them onto a string, you can have your very own bee bead necklace! Irresistible!

WARNING: make sure the bees are completely deceased before attempting to thread them onto a string. For more information, see your local beehive or beehusbandry centre.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. You are telling me this 2 months too late. Two moths ago our neighbour smoked a beehive out of their chimney. When I got home from work there were about 300 bees in my bedroom - all over the curtains, bed, bedside table, floor etc - and they were still puring out of the fireplace.

If only I had known sooner I could have collected up all the bees and made a load of necklaces and sold them and made money out of it.

On Saturday before I went out I tipped up my jewellery bag onto the bed to choose some jewellery (I keep my jewellery in a plastic bag cause I am poor) and 2 dead bees fell out from all those months ago. I could have turned them into a snazzy pair of earrings if I'd only thought about it - I could have put their stingers in my ear piercing and the barbs would have held them in place.